
Showing posts from February, 2018

My brain

I climbed a mountain today. I thought along the way. Why must I feel this sadness, this unceasing pain. I climbed a mountain today. I begged, pleaded, and cried alone all the way. When I reached the top, there was no cliff to jump off. I climbed a mountain today. When you need guidance, strength, or divine intervention. Climb a mountain and you'll find none, I think I should just get a gun. I climbed a mountain today. Because all the spirits and Gods left us so long ago.

Sorry for the lack of posts

I've been dealing with depression and anxiety the best of my ability unfortunately that means I shut down from time to time

Rules For Talking To A Veteran

Ok so I've come up with some rules for addressing me and my fellow veterans. 1 be respectful Seriously I shouldn't need to tell people this 2 don't talk about gun control with us because no matter our stance on it I fought for the right for you to bitch 3 I do my job to the best of my ability so unless it's constructive or informative shut up 4 I fought for my country you didn't so don't talk down to me 5 I can end a life from 600 yards without a scope so don't piss me off